
You should all know this already. All of you. But here we go anyway.

All Legend of Dragoon characters and related media and properties are copyrighted by Sony.
None of this belongs to me- Not Rose, not Legend of Dragoon. I do not claim to have any affiliation with Sony.

All art in the gallery has been found on my internet travels over the years, I didn't grab any of it from one specific place unless otherwise mentioned. Lots of in-game shots were screen-capped by me, you can use them if you like.

All my lame rants are copy-righted by me, apparently. Don't copy them, etc, blah blah blah.

Website design is from a base that I edited, you may not use this specific layout, but if you find the base it is not in my area of jurisdiction whether you use it or not.

The header image and all other things related to "graphic design" on this was made by me in Photoshop CS4, you may not use any of it unless otherwise stated.