it's been a while

;; Spoilers Ahead

How she became a dragoon:

Rose was once a dragoon, about 11,000 years ago, fighting in the Dragon Campaign. The Dragon Campaign was the struggle between two races for dominance over the earth. Those two races were the winglies, and the humans.
The humans were falling, and in a last attempt to give human kind a fighting chance, Emperor Diaz used the power of the dragoons.

With the dragoons, humans were able to combat the winglies with the power of dragons.

There are dragoons for: the Red-Eye Dragoon Spirit, the Jade Dragoon Spirit, the White-Silver Dragoon Spirit, the Blue Sea Dragon Dragoon Spirit, the Violet Dragoon spirit, the Golden Dragoon spirit, and finally, the Dark Dragoon Spirit.

Rose was the original Dark Dragoon- and has retained it for the last 11,000 years, unlike any other dragoon.

Though he humans won the dragon campaign, at least 3 dragoons died or were lost in the process. The Violet Dragoon, the Golden Dragoon were martyrs, and Zieg, the Red-Eye Dragoon, was frozen in time by Malebu's "eternal" curse.

The Black Monster:
Rose's sacred, and heart breaking duty as the Black Monster has continued for 11,000 years.

Since the embryo of the God of Destruction was put into the sky as the Moon that Never Sets, every 108 years that God's soul comes to earth and attempts to posses a human child. If this child is allowed to grow and merge with the embryo, it will eventually bring the downfall of all of humanity. The Black Monster is immortal, and lives to kill whatever child has been possessed by the God of Destruction.

However, The Black Monster is feared and hated- because the legend says the Moon Child brings holy bliss, when in actuality, the Moon Child brings destruction.

Rose's tale is a long and tragic one, that spanned over 11,000 years. Shirley foretold that Rose's journey would be coming to an end soon, and it would.

As Melbu Frehema died, he attempted to use his final strength to destroy the world (or perhaps just the dragoons that defeated him, it isn't specified.)

Zeig, now returned to his original self and no longer possessed by Melbu Frehema, recognizes that it is time to act. However, now that he is no longer controled by Melbu Frehema, or under the curse, he has aged. He apologizes to Rose for making her wait, and asks if she will go with him.

Rose promises to never leave Zeig again, and she and Zeig take the Dragon Buster and fly off to destroy Melbu once and for all.

As she departs, Rose explains that she and Zeig were not meant for this age. Her time was an age of antiquity that has now passed, and she and Zeig are going to join the rest of their friends.

Just before plunging the sword into Melbu, Rose thanks Dart, and tells him that she is glad she met him. Then, she looks at Zeig, and they attack.

The explosion kills Zeig and Rose, along with Melbu. It's ridiculously large, to insure Melbu's death. Dart and the rest must flee the area to avoid destruction. Dart calls out Rose and Zeig's names, but it is to no avail.

Thus, that is the tragic end of Rose. However, she attained what she desired. Rose was determined to protect the world she saved with Zeig. By defeating Melbu, and reuniting with Zeig, Rose's mission was fufilled. She died with the one she loved, protecting the planet she loved.

As ending credits come to a close, the player will see the Dark Dragoon Spirit and the Red-Eye Dragoon spirit, lying side by side, in a beautiful grassy grove outside the Divine Tree.