welcome to astral drain.

let me tell you something

About the Legend of Dragoon.

The Legend of Dragoon is an RPG made by Sony, way back in the year 2000.

You start as a young hero named Dart, off to pursue a monster that killed his family. (Can't get anymore cliche than this, amirite.)
So you come back  to see your town in ruin, your childhood friend kidnapped, and you're just burning to uh. Right it.

This is how your journey begins. Now many people are unimpressed with the contrived appearance of the game. And I won't lie, it's not original at first. Pretty generic.

But as you get deeper into the game, you start to become pulled into the plot. And, holes and all, the plot is my favorite part of this game. More specifically, the story and the general idea of it all.

However, some characters get jack-shit development. Namely Shana. We don't really get any depth on Shana. She's just that childhood friend with a crush on the hero that tags along. Randomly they love one another, but we're still not quite sure why. They never really have much of a background.

Others, however, namely Rose, get all the glorious character development and pull it off wonderfully. Rose is the most developed character in the game, and the story actually relates more to her than to Dart. Might as well call it Legend of Rose. Rose seems to be connected to everything in the game- and I like it that way. Rose was my favorite character, and thus, I decided to make this shrine to her.

Whether you love the Legend of Dragoon, have never heard of it, or are extremely bitter for some silly reason, please sit back and enjoy the site.