The Love Triangle (That Never Happened)

If you've been stalking a LoD community, few as they may be, you've probably seen some people that wanted Dart to be with Rose.

In fact, for the first disk and half of the second, you're pretty sure that Rose is a potential romantic partner for Dart, given the options.  They never state Dart's love for Shana until the second disk- and that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Many people, because of this, happen to think that Dart and Rose had more "chemistry" than Shana and Dart. Dart had always referred to Shana as a little sister figure, and nothing more. Shana seemed (opinion time!) to have an overly exaggerated crush on Dart. She wanted her knight in shining armor, and she had always seen Dart as such. I give her credit on her (somewhat creepy) devotion.

Now, ignore my opinion on Shana and Dart up there if you want to, because it doesn't matter at all. The fact is Dart x Shana is canon and always will be. You can pretend that Rose and Dart loved one another if you want to, but it won't be true.

Time for some in depth analysis of what-could-have-been, and why it didn't happen.

Through the first few disks, as I said above, you seemed to have a choice between Rose and Shana. This was backed by Dart's denial of feelings for Shana, and the option to choose responses to questions that would make it seem as if Dart was interested in Rose (and of course, the reverse was possible.) Basically, you could prefer one girl over the other. But let me now explain why this "hurrrchooseyourwoman" path did not occur.

First, Rose was attracted to Dart. Attracted, not in love with. What Rose saw in Dart was Zieg, the lover she had lost. There were striking similarities- they were both recognized by the Red-Eye Dragoon Spirit, and they looked quite similar (as they should, being father and son and all that.)
Second, there was Dart. Oh Dart. I don't think Dart was interested in romance with anyone. He cares deeply for Shana as a little sister, Rose is his important companion, and he values all his friends. But that seemed to be it. Dart grew flustered and brushed off any mention of Shana's feelings for him, not wanting to address them. I assume it was because he didn't want to hurt her, because he thought of her as a sister. He wanted to protect her, but did that really mean he loved her? I don't really know. There was some unseen character development in there somewhere- or he realized some sort of true feelings and decided to go for it. Yet again, we didn't get to see it. He just decided he loved Shana after a few disks of uninterested in the poor girl.

Okay, so I've outlined what happened. Now why the fans think that they should've been together is largely because of the scene when Dart and Rose fall off of the Queen Furry.

Rose brings them to a sea-side cave to spend the night after being lost in the sea. She recognizes her attraction to Dart. I think every Rose fanboy had an orgasm when they saw this part, thinking that Rose and Dart would hook up. Haha, no.

This was extremely important, because for me, it's what confirms that Rose and Dart would never be together. Rose realizes that she saw Zeig in Dart. She was just using Dart as a replacement for Zeig. So Rose does not love Dart- though she does care for him. Let's face it, poor Rose was lonely. Can you blame her? But she's logical, and separates the two right then and there.

Lastly, I must mention, that LoD is a VERY lineal game. What you decide has little to no effect on what actually happens. You get who the game creators tell you to get- that's that.